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Writer's pictureBrian Sanca

Sweat, Don’t Suffer: Why Soreness Isn't the Sign of a Great Workout

Hey team! Let’s talk about a common misconception in the fitness world – soreness. Many of us have been there, thinking that if we're not sore the next day, we didn't work out hard enough. But let me tell you, chasing soreness isn't the secret to a good workout. In fact, it can be quite the opposite!

First, let’s debunk the myth that soreness equals a successful workout. Sure, feeling sore can sometimes make us feel like we really pushed ourselves, but it's not the best gauge of progress. Soreness is your body’s way of signaling that you've pushed a bit too far. It’s essentially your muscles telling you "dude, chill.". The goal of your workouts shouldn't be to crush your body and chase soreness but to work your muscles effectively without overdoing it. Remember, no one ever won an award for "Most Sore."

Workout soreness meme

When you focus on training your muscles to the point just before soreness, you're in the sweet spot. This approach ensures you're taxing your muscles enough to stimulate growth and strength without overtaxing them. Overtraining can lead to excessive soreness, which is not only uncomfortable but can also hinder your progress by requiring longer recovery times. If, the next day, you still feel fresh or only slightly sore, it means you’ve found that perfect balance of volume and intensity. You're still pushing yourself, but in a sustainable way that promotes continuous improvement.

Soreness doesn’t equate to muscle growth. Surprise! You can build muscle and get stronger without feeling like you got hit by a truck the next day. This is also why I’m a big proponent of hitting multiple muscle groups in a workout. If you're only focusing on one muscle group per session, it’s easy to over-train that area, leading to unnecessary soreness. By working several muscle groups, you can spread out the volume, creating a more balanced and effective workout. Plus, who wants to be that person wincing in discomfort when they sit on the toilet?

A well-rounded workout plan should be sustainable and something you can stick to long-term. Consistency is key, my friends! By focusing on quality over quantity, you ensure that your workouts are effective without leaving you too sore to move the next day. This approach allows you to train more consistently and recover faster, ultimately leading to better progress and fewer setbacks.

So, next time you hit the gym, remember that you don’t need to be sore to know you’ve had a good workout. Focus on getting stronger, moving better, and feeling better. The gains will come, and you’ll be able to keep pushing yourself without the constant discomfort of soreness. Let’s train smarter, not just harder, and leave the “no pain, no gain” mentality behind. Here’s to finding that perfect balance and making consistent progress without the unnecessary pain! Cheers to smarter workouts and feeling fantastic!

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