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Writer's pictureBrian Sanca

Strength Training is the Fountain of Youth!

WELCOME to my first blog post! Join me as I cut through the noise and get real about any and all things fitness and health related. 🧠

Let's dive into strength training; where a lot of females get intimidated and the men let their ego get in the way 😬. So, what's the new buzz on strength training? It's not about deadlifting 500lbs; it's about using smart and athletic moves to improve on what your body does on a daily basis. Squats and overhead presses are your new best friends – simple yet effective.

Why should you bother with strength training? Imagine effortlessly lifting your suitcase, picking up your kid like a feather, or crushing that weekend hiking trail. It's like a magic pill for making daily tasks feel like a walk in the park. Your muscles take the lead when performing these tasks, therefore, stronger muscles = life is easier! 👍

To the females reading this it's not just about bulking up. Strength training will NOT blow you up like you might see online. A little muscle growth may happen but we want to embrace that! Lean muscle is sexy! đŸ”„

Improving your strength will also result in concrete solid bones. No matter what your age, feeling sturdy is something I'm sure that we all want to feel! Take a second to think of how many injuries you or people you know have gone through. Yes, strength training will help armor your body and it will thank you for the extra resilience. đŸ’Ș

Forget all of the fancy exercises being promoted and shown online for extra views. When it comes down to it simplicity is the way to go! Sticking to the basic push, pull, hinge, squat, and carry movements will get you the 5 star improvements you are looking for⭐.

This is where a personal trainer can be your BEST asset. It's like having your own fitness GPS, guiding you through the "mess" of the workout world đŸ—ș. No more wondering what excerises are best for building your butt or shedding that extra weight around the waist. We bring the expertise and you bring the determination.

In a nutshell, strength training is your one way ticket to an improved life. It's about rocking your 20s, thriving in your 30s, staying fabulous in your 40s, and beyond. It's time to give your body the strength it has been longing for and flex those muscles! Tag me showing your favorite strength movement! 👊

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06 déc. 2023
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Great first blog! Love this line: 
”.feeling sturdy is something I'm sure that we all want to feel

I like feeling sturdy in my 50’s from lifting and using heavy weights

Lynn Hunsinger

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